Friday, July 6, 2012

Peace Out Buenos Aires

I'm sitting in my (Argentine) room, wondering how the time flew so fast . . . was it really almost 5 months ago that I first walked into this room? Wow! The footprint that I accidentally left on the floor from the first day I was here has completely faded now. (Explanation: the hardwood floors are not stained and finished, therefore, anything wet/damp leaves marks - something my host mom had to explain to me several times since I love being barefoot)

My bags are packed (or rather, stuffed) and sitting in the corner, my closet and all my drawers are bare! It's so strange! To think that I'll never see this place again is mind boggling.

Buenos Aires (and Argentina) has been good to me. It's definitely all been an experience that I will never forget.

Last night, my entire host family came over for dinner and delicious dessert. After hours of eating and talking, I said goodbye to them all, thanking them for everything! In 2 hours, I'll say goodbye to my host mom and hop in a taxi to the airport!

Despite feeling sad about leaving Buenos Aires, I'm ecstatic to be getting home! Although 17+ hours of traveling isn't going to luxurious or comfortable, it'll be worth it!

Well, I'm signing out!
This is most certainly my last post from the great city of Buenos Aires. Thanks for following my incredible Spanish-speaking, mate-drinking, tango-dancing journey! It's been one for the books. Memories made!

Besos y abrazos siempre,

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Whoa -- I leave TOMORROW!!

What a wonderful time it's been here in Buenos Aires!
I can't quite put into words these last (almost) 5 months!! At times, it still seems surreal. I studied abroad!! I studied abroad??

Where do I start? Just to name a few . . .
-I've learned more of the Spanish language (I've learned not to call it 'Español' but rather 'Castellano')
-I've learned how to sucessfully avoid dog crap on the streets
-I've learned how to navigate the public transportation system of Buenos Aires
-I've learned how much I can miss my family
-I've learned of my love for Dulce de leche
-I've learned to use the Argentine accent and 'vos'
-I've learned how much I can come to love a foreign country

And to be honest, there is a lot of this city that I'm going to miss. I always thought I was part 'cityiot' (city + idiot) but now I definitely am!
-I will miss the man who sings opera in my apartment building at any and all hours.
-I'll miss my cleaning lady always greeting me with the most sincere "¿Como estás mi corazón?" and following it up with "Me alegro mucho mi vida."
-I will miss my host mom's cooking
-I'll miss my daily commute to school (sometimes)
-Strangely, I'll miss being surrounded by Castellano
-I will miss medialunas, empanadas, and of course, dulce de leche
-I'll miss the friends I made along this journey!

Well, if I continued, we'd all be here for a while!
Thank you Argentina, for this amazing opportunity, that I will most certainly never forget!

Prayers as I head home tomorrow and arrive in the States on Saturday. I woke up this morning pretty sick and I'm hoping to feel a little better by the time I touch down in Newark!! Looking forward to seeing family and friends this weekend!!
Starting Saturday, I'll have my REAL cellphone back - and I'll be reachable on that! :)
