Thursday, May 31, 2012

100 days

Ayo amigos!

It has been 100 days since I have been in Argentina (don't judge me - I was bored in class one day and counted how many days I had been here)

Wow, where do I start? Seems like I've been lacking on my blog posts lately - mostly because I'm so busy! This past weekend was FULL of paper writing, and lucky me, this weekend will be the same!! :/ The past few days have been especially stressful for me! The amount of work is building up and as some of my classes are starting to finish up, I'm realizing just how much I have to do before I can rest (un)comfortably on my plane back to New York, er actually Chile first, then Canada, then New Jersey: then FINALLY Garden City, New York!

So, the past 100 days, let's see!
-Well, I have avoided stepping in dog poop for 100 days! And believe me, this is a major feat here in Buenos Aires, and I'm proud to say I still have not fallen prey to the poop that litters the streets!
-I've made porteƱo friends :)
-I have finally become more accustomed to and comfortable with riding the colectivos (buses)
-I've learned to love mate!
-I haven't painted my fingernails or straightened/curled/blow dried my hair (it's a big deal for me)
-I've watched good friends graduate from Gordon College thanks to the Live Streaming graduating ceremony!
Oh, who am I kidding? There's a ton of things that have happened in the past 100 days and I'm certainly not going to recount them all to you right now!

I have about 5 weeks left here in Buenos Aires, which is both comforting and scary at the same time. I know I'll miss this city, but I am looking forward (so much) to getting home and seeing my friends and family. At the same time, the number of papers I need to write and exams I need to take is starting to stress me out! Oh boy!

Well friends, continued prayers are always appreciated! Gracias for continuing to follow my Argentine journey! Can't wait to be back home!

Chau chicos,

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

1 comment:

  1. Woah didn't straighten your hair? I don't think I've seen you like that since before teenage years!! haha I havta say, seeing on my blog stats that I have one viewer from Argentina is pretty awesome :)

    love you!!
