Monday, March 26, 2012

Whadda Weekend!

Mondays: YUCK! There's just something about Mondays that no one likes!

Well, it was quite the weekend here in Buenos Aires!

Last Wednesday, Rossana's son, Ricardo, and her (almost) 18 year old grandson, Gaspar, flew in from Europe. I believe they were at a Rugby Tournament there. They were both staying in our (small) apartment! On Friday, Ricardo's wife, Teresa, and their other two sons, Facu and Santiago arrived with their nanny, Juanita! All this made for a very interesting weekend. Most of the time, the whole family was over, including Rossana's other daughter, Lili and her husband Ricky, along with Ricky's children: (from a previous marriage), Cecilia and Mauricio.  And, Rossana's other daughter, Marcela and her son, Gonzalo. All in all, in this tiny apartment, the noise level was through the roof when all the kids were running around and the adults were yapping it up! But, I must admit, it was pretty fun!

The younger kids finally started feeling comfortable around me when I went into the computer room and started hanging out with them. But, unfortunately for me, they caught onto the fact Gaspar and I were only a few years apart and they started yelling that I was in love with Gaspar! Quite embarrassing! They had fun asking me to say various things in English, including the translation "Un gato feo" (An ugly cat). After the fun, they started making fun of me for the way I said "Los Estados Unidos" (United States) and for the rest of the weekend, they'd walk into my room, count to 3 and all imitate me saying "Estados Unidos"--It got old after a while!

Other than that, on Friday night, Sam, Bot and I were invited over to Julietta's apartment, who we met at church. She told us the meeting time was 10pm, but, being in Argentina, we didn't leave our house until 10! Thinking we were showing up at a reasonable time, we buzzed up to Julie's apartment around 10:20 and she was so surprised at how early we were! She made a joke saying that 10pm really means 11pm for the Argentines! Anyway, she was very welcoming and soon after the rest of the group starting showing up! All in all, we ended up being a group of 7 girls and 2 guys! We ate pizza, talked, and laughed a lot. As the night progressed, the boys took out a guitar and we started signing songs together. Most of the songs were in Spanish, so us Americans didn't know them. But, we did discover some English songs that some of the Argentines knew, including Imagine by the Beatles, Hotel California by The Eagles, along with some others. Further along into the night, after some popcorn had been popped, we started looking up worship songs on Youtube, some in English, some in Spanish! It was amazing to hang out with some locals! Around 3am, Julie suggested we start a movie! Sam, Bot and I were taken aback! Finding ourselves exhausted, we politely declined the invitation, and started saying our goodbyes-which always take FOREVER! We ended up getting home around 4am and I slept like a baby!

The next day, Julie invited us to a lunch at the church where we had met her. We got there a little late, and found that the lunch we were invited to was for the coordinators of different volunteer services that were connected to the church. We ended up meeting a girl from England, Alice, who spoke English and had a good time with her as well as the other (old) people! 
After lunch, we followed Julie outside to meet up with a bunch of other youth from different Methodist churches in the area. Together, we walked to a Memorial March that was happening in Plaza del Mayo! Basically, the march was commemorating and remembering the men who died/disappeared during the time of the dictator here in Argentina in the 70s. We hung out, drank maté, and got to meet some more Argentines, all while learning a little bit more about the history of Argentina (which Julie tried to explain to us in her best English!)
Sam, me, and Bot hanging at Plaza Del Mayo

On Sunday, Bot and I attempted to Skype with Holly and Alyssa in Italy. But their internet connection was a bit shaky, so it ended up being more comical than practical! On Sunday night, Bot and I headed to the church we went to for our first 2 weeks here, we ducked out a bit early because we both had loads of homework to do!

Finally this morning, Bot and I booked our hostel for our upcoming trip to Patagonia ON THURSDAY! We'll be there from Thursday to Monday! It's adding up to be one very expensive trip, but I'm looking forward to it, and it'll be nice to get out of the city! Prayers as we travel, please!

Un beso, 

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