Tuesday, March 6, 2012

And so, classes begin

It's time! Classes have started! Ironic, since all of my Gordon friends are almost on Spring Break! But for once, I can say I'm excited for classes to start (which, if you know me well enough, you know that I am NEVER excited for classes), because I'm in desperate need of some type of schedule!

Yesterday I had my Tango class. The two professors are both amazing Tango-ers and they started off the class by saying that we'd be learning more than just the Tango dance. We'll be learning a lot of history of the dance as well. We began learning the basic step of the Tango and every now and then, our professors would stop us and do their own little demonstration. Tango truly is a beautiful dance. I'm not one to be into the arts, but Tango is gorgeous, not to mention, very sensual. A lot of the dance is improvisation, and the woman and man must read each other's body's to know what move to make next. I can only hope that after I finish this class, I'll be half as good as my professors!

Last night was very stressful. I was (still am) in the midst of trying to figure out how my credits are going to transfer back to Gordon. I'm having some trouble getting into a Literature course here in Buenos Aires, so major prayers that this would all work out for me so I don't have to take a ridiculous credit load next semester (or more online classes or spend another semester at Gordon)

Today, I picked up my laundry that I dropped off yesterday at the Lavandera (laundromat), which is so interesting for me, since I've always done my laundry on my own. But here, not many people have washing machines. Then I  headed to FLACSO (my school) a little early to meet Bot for a quick lunch of medialunas (kind of like sweet crescent rolls) My first class was my grammar class, which wasn't altogether horrible. But grammar already is a tough thing for me (even in English), so I know that a whole class on it completely in Spanish will be pretty difficult too!
I had a two hour break before my next class, which I spent in the computer lab, sending some e-mails and starting some homework! Then I headed to my Spanish Oral class which was fantastic! I loved my professor and the class was small enough for lots of interaction. Again, this is very out of the ordinary for me to be saying. We spent the two hours just conversing a lot in Spanish about the different words used in Argentina vs. the words we use in the Spanish we learn in the States. I'm definitely looking forward to this class!

Well, here are a lot more miscellaneous items:
          -I'm really starting to embrace city life. I feel like a regular city-person! I know my subte route pretty well and I'm beginning to enjoy the few minutes that I have to walk from home to the subte stop and then to school.
          -The subtes always seem to be super crowded! Sometimes I feel like more and more people are getting on and no one is getting off! Plus, it's SO hot down in the subways!
          -So, I must be starting to look like a regular Argentine! Today some girl asked me directions about the subte and I was able to answer her with confidence!
          -Have I mentioned that the Argentines wear THE weirdest shoes? Picture platform Birkenstock sandals made out of  suede in bright colors, and that's what the girls around here wear! Gross, I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing them!
          -Not sure what the going rate is in the States is, but I got my laundry washed, dried, and folded for 16 pesos, which is a little less than 4 bucks, pretty good, huh?
          -I often find myself saying things like "back in the States" which is just incredible! I'm still grasping the concept that I'm in a whole 'nother country!

Well, for the next little while, I'm relaxing and listening to (one of my) my favorite band, DISPATCH, which always puts me in a good mood! Bot and I are going to meet up tonight for some coffee, mind you, it's 9:30pm here, which is a completely acceptable time to go out and get coffee!

Continued prayers are appreciated! I'm finding that God's will is greater than my own! And I'm learning to wholly and completely trust in Him!

Love you all

¡Chau! (the way the Argentines spell Ciao)


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